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TEA PARTY Extremists?
by Ken Bylund


July 29, 2011

Hello? TEA PARTY extremists... the same crowd who predicted this moment way ahead of them short-sighted monkeys in Washington who said... naw, everything's fine... we've got this; and the News Media, busy marginalizing Abe Lincoln's, 'for the people, of the people, by the people?' The rational few at the bottom of this pyramid scheme, the citizens who feed this money stream under penalty of imprisonment... have been told that they are extremists for questioning a government that has taken us to the brink. How far or how close is this Oligarchy... from Fascism?

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have, through treachery and extremist lawyers and career politicians, led Americans into this downward spiral; who else? All 525 of them! We see our representatives buying votes to stay in power, all of them, and we've grown so accustomed to this that we accept that BILLIONS of $ are collected in politician's re-election war chests. This brings to utter clarity that famous quote by Gary Hart... we have the best legal system money can buy.

The TEA PARTY? These are smart, hard working Americans, paying close attention, not a few of them, awake and challenging the destructive path of an over-reaching Federal Government. So far the judicial branch has for the most part remained silent... could be wrong, not seeing Justice looking very hard for that > half trillion $ in fraud & waste... are they with them banditos yelling  "We don't need no stinking badges!?" Seeing arbitrary justice creeping in more and more... hard to miss politicians pushing laws to be enforced that suits them - - ignoring them laws that don't.

Government... citizens who have entered Friedrich Hayek's comfy zone of security and control... another form of bribery because us ordinary citizens don't have either. Up beyond them clouds on Mount Olympus the elite walk those marble halls and all they do is marginalize The People, count our Ones & Zeros, being sure to salt away enough to buy their next election, and make speeches with promises of jobs (jobs in government?), then dispense the product of our energy to contributors, contacts, and favored contracts, to friends, family and corporate giants who just see life as hedging their bets.

And behind [and in front] of all this drama are the prime antagonists; the NEWS MEDIA salivating at those Billions of $. All of them!!! Just want to take a moment to make the point missed... all 525 + the One... clearly... you are all professional liars and crooks. That last Space Shuttle flight, that, America... is the sign of our times. Most bizarre is these monkeys can't let go of the bribe... it's like that Burmese Monkey Trap.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, there was/is the home-grown terrorist bomb that started this long runout slide. Who supported that disaster? Republicans, Democrats, and Independents, and now that screeching sound is this grand experiment auguring in, plummeting from the apogee of civilization... now, those ones and zeros being shuffled like matches in a jailhouse poker game... you can just kiss all this goodbye. Tea Party extremists... or just the bloated machinery of mindless government bureaucrats gone mad?

Cap, Cut, and a Balanced Budget, just like those people who must, by law, feed your self-serving binge. If you aren't part of the solution, then... you, Mr. & Mrs. Politician, are the problem.

Ken Bylund
Ketchikan, AK

Received July 29, 2011 - Published July 29, 2011



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Ketchikan, Alaska