SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Skate park
By Vicky Campo


July 19, 2010

I want to know when our kids are going to get their skate park. Everything I hear is that there is always a reason why it isn't being pursued. My son is a skate boarder and he is also involved in a lot of Ketchikan's activities including High School. He is involved in basketball, football, and baseball. These kids are always being told that can't skateboard anywhere in Ketchikan besides the rec center, with the talent they have the rec center only allows so much for them.

These kids are also being categorized as druggies and always causing trouble and that is not the case. My son doesn't do drugs or drink and a lot of the kids that skate with him don't either. All he wants to do is be able to go skate without getting harassed by certain people of the community. I don't think it is to much to ask for our community to get this skate park going for our local skate boarders. A lot of the skate boarders do come from all different families in our community. Our kids want their skate park and they need and they deserve it.

As a parent, I would feel more comfortable with my son skating at a skate park than going out and getting harassed by the community when he really isn't doing anything wrong along with safety issues.

Vicky Campo
Ketchikan, AK

About: "mother of a skateboarder"

Received July 17, 2010 - Published July 19, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska