SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Moving Forward??
By Jerilyn Lester


June 28, 2008

It seems to me that Governor Palin is just intent on ripping Alaska off for all it is worth. First the Governor steals the money for the bridge promised to Ketchikan 30 years ago only to build another one across Knik Arm because it takes too long to drive around. Now the Governor is taking jobs and money out of the state and sending them to Canada.

Why does the Governor insist that this gas pipeline go through Canada and all the while giving them $500 million dollars? For pity sake - that money could build two bridges here or it could build a road to the mainland from any or all of the islands down here. Then we could drive to the mainland and complain that it took too long.

Does anyone else see the way that Southeast is being treated? We refuse to go away and still are part of this state so it is time that the Governor and those others up on the mainland started treating us like we belong to this state.

How about spending that money to give the people of this state some less expensive gas and oil products by refining the gas here in the state and then shipping it from Anchorage to Southeast Alaska?

What is wrong with this picture? Why do we have to pay for the products from our state to make some other state or country money before they come back here at twice the price that we were paid for them?

Jerilyn Lester
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Longtime resident of Southern Southeast Alaska."

Received June 24, 2008 - Published June 28, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska