SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Getting the message out
By Kathleen Svenson


June 02, 2008

Dear Editor

Expatriate Tony Hatano-Worrell, writing from half a world away, appears to have more information and to know more about the Kanayama Board deliberations leading up to the ejection of the student who had participated in all fundraising and educational activities than the student's own family knows! Is Hatano-Worrell a Kanayama Board member too? It's unclear exactly who the Kanayama Board members are; it's a kind of secret society. Apparent board members are: Ginny Clay, Jim Alguire, Gail Alguire, Ole Sullivan, Pat Perrier, Eileen Truitt, Carrie Allen, Christa Bruce, and who knows who else. Hatano-Worrell it appears. With a board that refuses to share its by-laws and which has no due process, nor policies and procedures for Ketchikan students, anything is possible after all.

It's interesting the board's focus is now on the safety of the student. They are backing off the original reasons of the student's "not fitting in," "not being a popular girl" and "not being a team player," for obvious reasons. It makes them look stupid. Nevertheless, the fact remains all the original reasons were stated to the student, her parents, and witnesses by board members on Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District property.

As Agnes Moran stated in her letter of May 29, we have a choice as donors, business or personal, where to put our donations. Many people have told me they will never give to the Kanayama Student Exchange, Inc. in any way, shape, or form because this group is without policies & procedures, due process and for how they favor some students and ruthlessly sideline others because of things they "might" do.

The task now is to get the message out so that what happened to this girl will not happen to any other student again. And Hatano-Worrell (borrowing from the Forrest Gump quote, "And that's all I have to say about that,") is helping the supporters of this child do just that.

Kathleen Svenson
Kanayama Whistle-Blower
Ketchikan, AK

Received May 31, 2008 - Published June 02, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska