SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


K-Hi/Sitka Softball Class Acts
By Dave Smith


June 02, 2008

As the Iraq war drags on, and the Polar Bear count drops, I witnessed cause for hope this last Saturday afternoon. The K-Hi girls were in the midst of a several game weekend with the Sitka Wolves, and my little T-Ball team (ages 4 to 7) and I were scheduled for a game in between, while the high school girls took a break. As the girls wrapped up their game in the hot sun, I approached K-Hi head coach Joe Austin, and asked if any of his girls would like to be in the dugout or on the field with the T-ball girls? Joe asked his team, and much to my surprise I think all of them stayed.

Softball Class Acts

Ketchikan High School and Sitka teams members worked with the T-Ball team (ages 4 to 7) during a break between games. Coach Dave Smith is in the center talking with the teams.
Front Page Photo by Tom Thompson

Even more surprising was the Sitka team also decided to stay and work with the T-Ball girls. Watching these High School kids and the 16 T-Ball girls on the field was pure joy. Sitka took half the girls and K-Hi took half the girls and we watched one of the greatest games ever played. We didn't keep score, there were no homeruns, but there was a ton of hustle, smiles and encouraging words.

In a world where our teenagers are nearly as busy as us adults, it was heart warming to watch them take the time, to lead and inspire the next generation of gamers. When fundraising time comes around, open your wallets to these girls, they are a class act all the way, and by the way, these ladies can play ball too, get out and watch them!

Thanks again Coach Joe Austin, the Lady Kings and the Lady Wolves.

Dave Smith
Ketchikan, AK

About: Raised in Ketchikan, longtime player and coach. Teacher at Revilla Alternative School.

Received June 01, 2008 - Published June 02, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska