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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions / Analysis

Ketchikan Borough Manager budgeted a $50,000 annual raise for himself

By Dan Bockhorst


May 04, 2021
Tuesday PM

It's been brought to my attention that the Borough Manager has budgeted a $50,000 (40%) annual raise for himself beginning July 1. That level of increase for any Borough employee at any time is outrageous. It's especially so in the economic climate we currently find ourselves.

How do you think other Borough employees will feel if you grant such an increase? While increase for the Borough Attorney and Borough Clerk, and a 2% increase for the other 109 Borough employees.

You were elected to serve the citizens of Ketchikan. How do you think taxpayers and other local citizens will feel if you grant such an increase? You have a duty to be good stewards of the public treasury.

This matter was brought to my attention earlier today [Monday] by a Borough employee. Since then, 3 other employees contacted me – all expressing concern and disappointment. Of course, they're uneasy about voicing their distress to you directly.

There is little or no transparency regarding this matter. Therefore, separately, I’m sending a copy of this note to our local news media and Borough department heads. I’m also asking the Borough Clerk to read this note into the record as part of public comments during your meeting today [Monday].

I am aware that some of you are concerned about the deficit in the Borough's Local Education Fund. To reduce or eliminate that deficit will require either higher taxes or cuts to school funding. The District's FY 2022 budget proposes no increase in the Borough's contribution for schools. How could any of you address the deficit with cuts or tax increases if you grant the proposed salary increase?

Dan Bockhorst
Ketchikan, Alaska




Editor's Note:

This letter was read into the public record on Monday, May 3, 2021.

The text of this letter was NOT edited by the SitNews Editor.

Received May 03, 2021 - Published May 04, 2021

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Ketchikan, Alaska

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