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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Consequences of Marijuana Abuse

By Marvin Seibert


May 17, 2014

I would recommend people read what the National Institute on Drug Abuse has to say about the effects and addiction to Marijuana.

You can download the pdf document here.

Some highlights from the article state during intoxication that Short Term memory is impaired. Also your attention, judgment, coordination, balance and other cognitive functions are impaired. Increases in heart rate from 20-50 bpm. Psychotic episodes are a definite system of marijuana use.

Long term cumulative effects of chronic abuse can lead to addiction, increases in chronic cough or bronchitis and schizophrenia. Increase risk of anxiety and depression.

So when we go to the polls to vote on legalization remember you are voting for the right to become a burden on society. Do we really need a substance that helps us justify in our minds the right to harm other individuals or ourselves?

Please take the time to read this report, it is very informative. Find the facts for yourself and please do not take the word of a marijuana user for their judgment on this issue is already impaired. Remember the mind is like a parachute, it only functions when open. Using Marijuana is like taking away the ripcord on that parachute!

Marvin Seibert
Colorado Springs, Colorado

About: "Soon to be a resident of Beautiful Ketchikan!"

Received May 14, 2014 - Published May 17, 2014


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Ketchikan, Alaska