SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Marijuana Legal?

By Bonnie J Abbott Allen


May 17, 2014

I am writing to reply to some of the letters SitNews has received from Ketchikan residents who believe marijuana is OK and should be legalized!

When I was using I believed the same thing, and especially before I had my daughter! But all this changed when she was born. Though I kept using and trying to be a good mother, the two together is impossible!

Marijuana is Addictive Period! I, for many years advocated for it to be legal, but I believe for medical reasons it is fine, but not making it legal so our young adults can become addicted legally to this drug! I loved Marijuana and its relaxing effect, but when I tried more than once to quit, the withdrawals were terrible, and when I used it I had no ambition, forgetfulness and money wasted! I know it does not kill brain cells but it puts a coating over your brain cells, and in time after you have stopped it slowly goes away and non functioning cells return to normal!

I just do not want to see my daughter who is ten, smoking marijuana and becoming dependent on any drug! Legal or illegal!

Come on you guys that wrote letters on making it legal, do you really want your kids on it, or are you speaking on your own behalf?

Replies anyone?

Thank You Very Much,

Bonnie J Abbott Allen
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "Addict Since I was 15 And Sober Since 2012! Reply to Marijuana Being Legal in Alaska!!!!"

Received May 14, 2014 - Published May 17, 2014


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska