SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

FACT: Marijuana does cause violence!

By Marvin Seibert


May 13, 2014
Tuesday PM

I have seen comments that Marijuana does not cause violence. Just look to Denver Colorado where it is not legal. One example is the Headline Denver man accused of killing wife after eating marijuana candy formally charged with murder The last I checked killing your wife is an act of violence.

On the 911 recording, 47-year-old Richard Kirk can be heard in the background talking about taking marijuana candy that he had purchased from a recreational marijuana shop.

Why do we need to justify and make so accessible a new way to get stoned? Research says the Marijuana is a gateway drug to harder drugs, this is not theory it is fact. Please read the link below about this Denver man that killed his wife, is this what we want for Alaska? Do we ignore the violence that can happen just for the right to use marijuana? I think we are better than that! (Click here for news story)

Marvin Seibert
Colorado Springs, Colorado

About: "Soon to be a resident of Beautiful Ketchikan!"

Received April 08, 2014 - Published May 13, 2014



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Ketchikan, Alaska