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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

A solution to present woes with the IRS and taxation

By Glen E. Terrell


May 30, 2013
Thursday PM

The income tax code is complicated beyond comprehension. An institution like the IRS has no place in a society of free people. The power that came to congress with the income tax and 16th amendment has so corrupted our Congress and the IRS that we must start over.

Actually the solution to all our present woes with the IRS and taxation has been before Congress since 1999. It's called the FairTax. When passed it will replace the income tax and annihilate the IRS.

Most congresspersons have ignored it because they don't want to give up the power they have because of the income tax. Politically they thrive on it by granting tax favors to the well connected in exchange for contributions to their re-election campaigns. Since 2001 congress has changed the tax code almost 5000 times; more than once per day. With every change the code gets longer and more complex.

Google "FairTax" and learn about it. It's the most researched legislation ever introduced in congress. It will broaden the tax base, boost the economy and create millions of jobs.

Email and call your representative and two senators. Tell them to support and work for passage of the FairTax.

Submitted by:

Glen E. Terrell
Arlington, TX



Received May 29, 2013 - Published May 30, 2013


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Ketchikan, Alaska