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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Wage Reduction vs. Change Tax System

By Anthony Gasbarro


May 28, 2013
Tuesday PM

Jobs have been lost in this country for over 30 years due to our lack of competitiveness. It's cheaper to go out of the country for most manufacturers than to make products here. People who haven't lost their jobs are squeezed to do more with less. Sound familiar?

How do we fix this? There a few ways, but two of them are: 1) cut 75% out of our wages and benefits ( a $20/hr job is reduced to $5/hr ) or; 2) change our income tax system. A no-brainer. There is a bill in Congress, HR25 the Fair Tax bill, that guts the current federal tax on income and replaces it with a tax on consumption of new goods and services. The economy thrives, as good paying jobs return. Without taxes on income, 14 trillion dollars that sits offshore can return to be invested in America. More than 95% of the IRS is no longer needed and the 400 billion dollars that is spent annually to comply with our current tax system can be invested in more productive things. Today's system penalizes productivity, hard work, investments, savings, and other things Americans and good old common sense tells us to do.

Call your Congressman today and tell him to support the Fair Tax Bill.

Anthony Gasbarro
agasbarro49 [at]
Fairhope Alabama

Received May 25, 2013 - Published May 28, 2013


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska