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Stop the secrecy
By Thomas Ferry


May 17, 2008

Regarding the participant that was just kicked out of the Kanayama program, Mr. Worrell cites that some unthinkable negative things have been said about the program in retalliation. This child had supposedly broken some rules of commitment and safety set down by the controlling committee. I, like many others would like to know exactly what transpired to get this child kicked out. As people gossip and retell stories, the truth sometimes gets lost in translation on both sides.

What EXACTLY did this child do? Was the child warned? Did the child violate another so called rule of commitment after being warned? Was the child reprimanded? Were these reprimands signed by the Kanayama officers, parents and the alleged child offender? Did the alleged child offender understand that if the rules were broken again the child would be kicked out? Are these rules applied fairly to other participants?

Other people have been kicked out in the past and no rational explanation has been given. Is there an appeal process?

I believe that many supporters would like the process explained in detail instead of vague and broad terms. I have heard a few reasons that are very vague like, " she/he just didn't fit in", "she/he wasn't popular" or "she/he just couldn't make friends". Sometimes groups form without the grownups being aware of them and some students are not part of those groups.

This child has been in numerous plays, is a teacher's aide and does very well. And the child missed two meetings with good reasons. Good grief, it's a wonder anyone gets to go to Japan.

Perhaps the family can have a chronological detailed analysis of exactly what transpired in this child's case.

Here is Mr. Worrell's chance to please let the family and participants know once and for all, why did this child get kicked out?

Many people are mystified about the silence and secrecy. The Kanayama board refuses to let anyone speak at their meetings. There is not a public comment period at their meetings and this is very foolish , if you want the public's money you have to stop the secrecy. Some changes are in order like when a young person gets terminated there needs to be a written explanation backed up by documentation of signed reprimands.

We will be waiting for your detailed answers in chronological order. But I doubt seriously that we will hear from you or anyone else from the ruling Kanayama board which just proves this child's supporters are justified at being upset over this child's unexplained termination.

Thank you,

Thomas Ferry
Ketchikan, AK

Received May 16, 2008 - Published May 17, 2008


Related Viewpoint:

letter In support of the Kanayama Exchange By Tony Hatano-Worrell

Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:

letter Webmail Your Opinion Letter to the Editor



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Ketchikan, Alaska