SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Patti Mackey announces intent to run for the District 36 State House seat       

April 26, 2014

(SitNews) Ketchikan, Alaska - Patti Mackey, president and CEO of the Ketchikan Visitors Bureau announced that she will run for the Alaska State House seat currently held by Peggy Wilson of Wrangell.  Mackey made her announcement to the audience attending a KVB sponsored luncheon Friday at the Cape Fox Lodge.

Mackey stated that she had filed a letter of intent with the Alaska Public Offices Commission earlier in the week allowing her to announce her plans.  

“This is a pivotal time for Ketchikan and southern southeast Alaska.  Our commercial fishing and tourism industries are stable and we have made it through the challenges that have been felt the past two decades after the decline of our timber economy.  It is a tribute to the people of our region that new industry, transportation services and infrastructure improvements were prioritized and accomplished- helping to ensure we are ready to make the most of new opportunities.  There is renewed energy among communities as we begin to see promise in development of maritime, mining and mariculture," said Mackey.

"Ketchikan represents roughly 77% of the residents who live in our voting district and yet we do not have our own representative in state government.   I believe that needs to change. I also believe that I can serve the interests of the other communities in our district- Hyder and Hydaburg, Metlakatla and Wrangell and work with our other Southeast legislators to mutual benefit," said Mackey during her announcement.

Mackey said, "It’s time for new energy and commitment to serve the people of southern southeast, and I have the skills, relationships and knowledge that have prepared me to serve you.  I am ready to work and hope you will support my candidacy.  Thank you.”

Mackey challenged Wilson in 2012 in a three way race with Agnes Moran in the Republican Primary election.

District 36 includes includes Ketchikan, Wrangell, Metlakatla, Saxman, Hydaburg, Hyder & Loring.

Edited by Mary Kauffman, SitNews

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Ketchikan, Alaska

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