SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

RE: Warning! Is your money really going to the septic system or is it going downhill?

By Mike Carney


April 18, 2013
Thursday PM

First of all I would like to say I normally would not respond but this is so far off base I felt it needed a response. Mr. Plute needs to do his homework. The 6.2 to 7.2 is the City tax not the Borough. As for the $35,000 I dont know where he gets his information, but I run a department that sends people for travel and training every year and you could take my department and two others and never total $35,000 let alone for one person.

Fire departments normally have the biggest travel budgets but they are sending 35 people to training over the year, not ONE! Mr. Plute goes on to say that the the Manager's office was remodeled and that is true. That included relocating the office door, adding a wall, door, and window to create an additional office. This also relocated multiple electrical panels, outlets, switches, and computer wiring. The final actual cost for the remodel was $19,275. In my opinion this was a modest amount for the work that was done.

Mr.Plute goes on to comment on a vehicle tax for Loring. This is also true because motor vehicle registration tax received by the Borough is allocated to various funds based upon property tax assessments and while there are no roads there are people that pay their taxes.

I would suggest that if a tax payer is interested in a subject that has to do with the Borough they could give the Manager's office a call and they would get the real story.

Mike Carney
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: Airport Manager & Tax Payer

Received April 17, 2013 - Published April 18, 2013

Related Viewpoint:

letter Warning! Is your money really going to the septic system or is it going downhill? By Ed Plute



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Ketchikan, Alaska