SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Know who you are
By Lewis Amundson


April 04, 2011

Not all the the time do I know where I'm going, but I can say for sure I know where I've been. I'm an Alaskan and this is something I'm proud of. Our family has instilled something in us that set us apart from the rest of the states. We know that when people are in need we lend the hand to help, we stand up for what we think is right and we protect our family.

I look at things differently now than I did when I was young. Alaska is our home and our state and we should never for get it.

I see people leave all the time, but I also see them come back. We are all family, 14,000 strong, and this is what makes Ketchikan my home.

Wisdom is something earned not bought. Sit and think why you are really here because "strange things are done in the midnight sun and it can hold you like a spell".


Lewis Amundson
Ketchikan, AK


Received April 04, 2011 - Published April 04, 2011


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska