SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


High taxes in Ketchikan
By John Harrington


April 23, 2010
Friday PM

It is interesting that Mr. Rodney Dial is complaining about the high taxes in Ketchikan. Our taxes are indeed too high. Those tax rates are higher than most consolidated city/borough governments in Southeast Alaska. When a group of us were attempting to consolidate the two governments, Mr. Dial led the charge to stop it by claiming it would raise our taxes. We had determined quite the opposite in our calculations. But Mr. Dial prevailed in his anti-consolidation efforts and now have received what he tried to avoid, higher taxes.

As a Borough Assembly member, I will continue to fight for lower taxes, less government regulation, and more economic development. But all those activities would be much easier in a consolidated government.

If Mr. Dial wants to start a petition to combine the governments I will volunteer to assist him.

John Harrington
Ketchikan, AK

About: Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly member.

Received April 23, 2010 - Published April 23, 2010


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska