SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


By Jackie Williams


April 27, 2008

Dear Editor,

The KGB needs new offices, and this is a fact. The Reid Building is a health hazard, and this is a fact. We the citizens are going to pay for it, and this is a fact.

We the citizens need to have a say, OH YEA! We already did. We voted NO; we do not want to pay for a remodel of Schoencliff. This time we do not get to vote, so far anyway, we will just open our wallets wide and pay for the REMODEL, by about $85 more in property tax.

To the Borough Assembly I say, Veto, Stop, Repeal or by whatever not go forward with Schoencliff Debacle #2.

Let the citizens vote and this is what we should vote on: Do the citizens want to build a brand new building on borough land and pay with an increase in sales tax.

Oh, don t go yellin about increasing taxes yet, you need to be yellin about REMODEL! Property tax is paid by us citizens; sales tax is paid by everyone, including the 800,000 and more visitors each year (Cha-ching).

Let us start making good choices and move the offices temporarily, build a brand new building to own outright and start improving the history we are making now.

Jackie Williams
Ketchikan, AK

About: "Jackie Williams "

Received April 26, 2008 - Published April 27, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska