SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

The idiocracy of Anti-Realists

By Marie Zellmer


March 25, 2014
Tuesday PM

Again I find myself inundated by the idiocy of some people. I would ignore it, but they now stand on the street corner annoying all with their stupidity. First of all you can't even get an abortion in Ketchikan, you have to go 400 miles away. Second, it is LAW, and even the Bible says to accept and obey the laws of your kingdom. Third, and most important, not every woman was created to bear children equally. Having a safe abortion procedure available saves lives, of those who are unable to. Lastly, having a procedure does not mean the woman hates children, it is an act of love. Yes, Love!

If you are a MAN, imagine having a uterus with polycystic ovaries that bleeds every month for ten days with associated hormone changes and physical aches and pains. Now imagine that for several weeks you are struck with dehabilitating back pain that keeps you from work, school, and even caring for yourself. Doctors say nothing is wrong, and then you find out that it is due to a mal-attached fetus. What to do? Fetus won't make it, and you will lose your job, fail your college classes, and possibly lose your life. If having a baby is all you want, great - do it! If aborting and waiting till your body can take it with a healthy fetus is what you want, then you will thank GOD that a safe choice is available. I did.

So stand on the corner and annoy everyone because that is all you are doing. If you want to change minds, or help those who face an abortion decision for reasons like rape, incest, abandonment, or fear, start an organization that provides rent, food, medical treatment, and keeps babies born out of uncaring foster homes till they are 18. Don't stand on the corner and post juvenile descriptions of unrealistic thought processes in fetuses with undeveloped brains. Besides how would you like to be a rape victim's bastard foster child?

One last thing, how many people who oppose abortion have adopted those babies they supposedly care about? And don't say because adopting is hard to do -- so is having an unwanted or unhealthy pregnancy.

Marie Zellmer
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "20 year ketchikan resident, and person with some common sense."

Received March 25, 2014 - Published March 25, 2014



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska