SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Thank You
By Donita O'Dell


March 06, 2013
Wednesday PM

Dear Editor:

Southeast Organization for Animals would like to extend a warm and hearty THANK YOU to the many people and organizations who helped make our February 23 low-cost vaccination clinic in Metlakatla a success, with 46 dogs and cats vaccinated. 

SOFA is a new animal welfare and rescue organization and one of our highest priorities is to improve access to veterinary services in underserved Southeast communities.

We are indebted to Ketchikan volunteers Dr. Monica Mangis, Carol Towne, Amy Foster, and Jordan Morales and Metlakatla volunteers Angela and Megan Blandov, Brielle Pringle, and high school students Alec, Erica, Darian, Shayne, and Autumn.  Metlakatla High School Principal Taw Lindsey arranged the location.  Ketchikan Veterinary Clinic provided essential support and supplies.  Taquan Air went above and beyond to ensure that our team and supplies arrived in time for the clinic.  Nick Yliniemi and Connie Darling rescued us at the docks.  Alltek provided technical support.  Rachael Askren and AISU assisted with safe needle disposal.  Metlakatla residents Diana Yliniemi, Malcolm and Nikki Booth, and Jody Casperson were invaluable sources during planning.  And, of course, Metlakatla pet owners were crucial to our success! 

Many thanks to all of the above, and everyone else who supported us.

Donita O'Dell
girlatsea [at]
Southeast Organization for Animals
Ketchikan, AK

Received February 27, 2013 - Published March 06, 2013


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska