SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Re: Wake Up Parents
By Bethany Phippen


March 03, 2010

I just finished reading Lori Headley's letter responding to Spring McCurry's statement. I don't know if you have children, but I don't know of one single Pediatrician who is going to have ANY child with a fever outside in just a diaper. Yes, my kids are 4 and 7, and I have to argue with them occasionally about wearing their coats outside to go play. I can understand where high school students don't wear coats, but having an infant outside in a diaper there is no excuse for. If a child has a dangerously high fever you alternate tylenol and ibuprophen every 4 hours, you run them a cool bath, not so cold that they go into shock. If you know of ANY doctor that is recommending a child go outside in 40 even 50 degree weather to get them over a fever, they need to be turned in for malpractice. That is just asking for pnemonia.

I know as a parent my kids safety is number ONE! I respect Spring's opinion about the coat issue or even a clothing issue for that matter. It is our responsibility as parents to protect our kids. No infant or toddler should be outside during winter in nothing but a diaper.

Bethany Phippen
Ketchikan, AK

About: "I am a stay at home mom of 2 rowdy boys"

Received March 02, 2009 - Published March 03, 2010


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Ketchikan, Alaska