SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Dogs in the Borough
By Bethany Phippen


March 04, 2009
Wednesday PM

I remember reading awhile back about the dogs on North Point Higgins Road that were always running loose on the roads. I have the problem down on the south end of the island with neighbors putting their dogs out at all hours of the "dark" and leaving them on their decks to bark. I do not understand why nothing can be done about it. Just because we don't live in "the city", shouldn't mean that we don't receive the same law enforcement that everybody else does.

It's one thing to put your dogs out around 7 or so, because you are leaving to go to work, but if you work weird hours, figure something else out or don't have pets. I have yelled out my bedroom window at 5am numerous times for these dogs to be quiet and lay down. My mistake, they just bark more.

Oh what do you know, as I am sitting here writing this, they are barking again. It's not as if they ever stopped but still, go figure. Don't get me wrong, I am an animal lover, we have 2 dogs of our own. But we do not leave them out to bark unless we are gone during the middle of the day and it is warm enough outside.

So I guess my question is, why do Borough residents not receive the same help from local authorities? We won't even go to the roads not being fixed by the Borough, we have to do it ourselves segment of things that really urk me about living outside of "the city". Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love it here, but there are some things in Ketchikan that really need to change.

Bethany Phippen
Ketchikan, AK


Received March 04, 2009 - Published March 04, 2009


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska