SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Community's Youth
By Judith Green


March 12, 2008
Wednesday AM

In response to these notes about Our Community's Youth, let us not forget that there are other activities besides sports that attract our youth, from preschool through high school years; and even continue on through adult years. That would be the Arts; my specialty being M U S I C.

Ketchikan has a wealth of activities provided for all ages and all year round.

We have wonderful artistic talent in 'our town'. We see and hear the results of long hard hours of polishing often.

Our young people thrive in these activities, they develop skills that help them in every day life as well the classroom and in making friendships both here and out and about as they share with other communities art activities.

'Our town' does a good job of providing for young people. It is up to him-her self to make the wise choice to participate in what will make for a healthy person both now and for his-her future.

We, the town 'elders' can provide, but ultimately it is up to the young person to make the choice to participate or not. We cannot make that happen, but we can encourage and support for even a few.

Part of the process is having parents who care enough to set guidelines of conduct and support.

SO let us go on providing and supporting citizens of 'our town'.

Judith Green
Ketchikan, AK

Received March 11, 2008 - Published March 12, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska