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RE: Democrat Veep Remarks
By Joel Galli


March 09, 2008

Well, I really hate to interject myself into the seemingly private banter on the issue of the Democratic VP, but I feel I must address Mr. Neckameyer's very typical conservative responses to Liberal policies.

No one is suggesting communism in our nation (except, perhaps, the Communist Party) and the fact that the right and Mr Neckameyer believe that universal health care is too big a step in that direction is another proof of their ignorance. What about Universal Health Care systems that work? Example: Germany. Since 1880, health care has been provided to every citizen (currently, 77% of funding is provided by the government and 23% privately funded) and since the 1930's, HMO's have been outlawed.


Are the citizens suffering? Monetarily, Germans spend half the amount per capita per year on health care (This is payed in taxes). Additionally, there are 3.37 doctors per thousand people - in the U.S. there are 2.56.
Where will the money to finance this increase come from? Perhaps the billions of dollars taxpayers are spending MONTHLY on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could easily reallocated to... I don't know... anything else!

If you want another 4 years of ineptitude, however, McCain is your man! Surely he will spend our money on good causes like deporting the very Mexicans that are supporting our economy and finding other wars to fight in faraway lands full of "radical Islamic extremists." Don't worry, if you want a police chief (and by no means has it ever been America's destiny or franchise to police the world), he will be obliged to provide "liberation" and "protection" anywhere it isn't asked for.

Joel Galli
Littleton, CO

About: A former Ketchikan resident.

Received March 08, 2008 - Published March 09, 2008



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Ketchikan, Alaska