SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska



Bond poll: Why I voted NO!
By Jim Dornblaser


March 04, 2006
Saturday PM

Ketchikan's leaders have a mind-set that everything has to be "right down town".

I am not against tourism as an industry.

I am not against expanding that industry.

I believe greater Ketchikan would be better served (and better serve the tourist industry) by building cruise ship docks at Saxman and 10 miles north Tongass.

The downtown area is overflowing with trinket shops, foot traffic, & tour busses. Our town is FULL (like 10 pounds of "stuff" in a 5 pound bag).

If downtown port expansion goes forward as planned, too much of old colorful Ketchikan (the fishing village - mill town) will be lost forever. Isn't that killing the goose that laid the golden egg?

We don't need 15 pounds of "stuff" in our town. Save some Ketchikan for the tourists to come see (we can not live by jewelry shops alone).

Busses already run en-mass from one end of the road system to the other. Why is it so important to bus the mass out of town rather than into town?

Thank you for letting me rant,

Jim Dornblaser
Ward Cove, AK - USA

About: Jim Dornblaser is a 17 year resident of southeast Alaska. He has been retired for
2 1/2 years.



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska