SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

KGB water tanks & chemicals in our drinking water

By Dan McQueen


February 25, 2014
Tuesday AM

I have lived in the Ketchikan Gateway Borough since 1981. In 1989 we bought property and started building our home. At the time there was a local water supply but the water had dirt, bugs, etc. in it. We used it until we got the house up & livable. During that time our local water out here was making people sick, it was even rumored the water killed a baby from a sickness.

After a lot of talking we decided to install a water tank & use rain water instead of the local neighborhood water. There is no chemical nor even clorine added to our tank. It is not right to force people to hook up to the KGB water out on South Tongass!

Now they want to add a cancer causing - fish killing chemical and prohibit any more water collection tanks on new builds or resales.

Who is the KGB to force this POISON down our throats? Speak-up now to halt this mass poisoning today!

Dan McQueen
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "Long time Water Drinker - Sportfisherman & KGB resident/property owner."

Received February 24, 2014 - Published February 25, 2014


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska