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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Poisoning Ketchikan's well

By James Schenk


February 22, 2014
Saturday PM

What follows is my informed Opinion, thank you for reading further. Several years ago a friend of mine from Ketchikan who works for the Alaska Ferries, informed me of a plan to change the water system in Ketchikan. The problem was not as the old problem that existed with our current water system, a known carcinogen inside the infrastructure installed years ago. No this was a new problem indeed.

Doing my own research on chloramination revealed serious health risks to the public, and the Biosphere we all reside upon. The most alarming details were the dangers to marine life, FISH, and amphibions in particular.

I am not a scientist or smart feller dude type a guy, but darned if I don't live in the Salmon capital of the world or so says the cool arch downtown!Well my ears got kinda warm and redlike when I reads this here article, says known to kill salmon! Now wait a minute there is a whole lotta my pals and I thought that was our job!

I know some folks spent a whole bunch of our money again tryin to figure out how to fix the last time they fouled up our water, I get reports from folks in the mail sayin thats the case.I got a few friends can't speak no more on the matter cause they are dead. From Cancer a fiendish disease that steals our loved ones, from poison in the well so to speak!

I am serious about how I feel about this issue. I always thought we were supposed to leave things better than we found em when we got there or we failed somehow. Putting our trust in folks from a company that has serious bad marks dealing with Nuclear waste at Hanford in Washington state does not seem to be the lighted happy path to me but what do I know I am just a simple hick from Ketchikan.

That is why I used to trust my elected officials, they looked out for all our interests and Health, and when they made mistakes, they admitted them and looked for a better resolution. Not made simple statements like"I will take the first swaller outa that jug",I have now lived long enough and seen enough in life to say, I have seen folks rue the day, they ever took that stand or swaller, and they ain't with us anymore, good folks like the ones that live in Ketchikan.

To make people who do not trust this system of water glorification presently set upon them, a new resolution to keep their homes connected to city and boro water lines pops up, yeah I know ,"who knew", right!I myself do not like water that has anything in it, for my health, and I'm kinda worried bout the friends I have left here and their health.

So all this ramblin gets me to I guess is, I don't think just cause we spent a lotta money on it is a good enough reason to poison the well of Ketchikan and the folks I care about, figure this here problem out smart fellers, and do your job to take care of all our future here in Ketchikan, just my opinion!

Thanks to all who Really try to do their best for everyone, just keep tryin!

Keep on Fishin

James Schenk
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "Concerned citizen of Ketchikan"

Received February 21, 2014 - Published February 22, 2014


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Ketchikan, Alaska