SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska

Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Adding Chloramine to Ketchikan's Water

By Betty Constuble


February 22, 2014
Saturday PM

Our city fathers have made a terrible choice in deciding to add chloramine to our drinking water.  This is dangerous.  It causes health problems and property damage.  It will harm our fish as it goes into our ocean.  People taking chemotherapy or with HIV are told not to drink this  but to take the cholamine out of the water first.  But it is nearly impossible to remove it.  What are these people going to do?

 We are going to buy bottled water and already have a device to put on our shower so we can turn the water off and on so we can shampoo and soap down without the water and then rinse off.  Your skin absorbs the contaminants from the water and breathing in the steam can cause respiratory problems.  

They should not be doing this to us.  There will be a meeting on March 5th at the Ted Ferry Civic center about this problem.  Bob Bowcock will be talking and Erin Brockovich will be there.  Please plan to attend.  And please let your voice be heard whereever you can.

Betty Constuble
Ketchikan, Alaska

Received February 19, 2014 - Published February 22, 2014



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska