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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

RE: Explanation please!

By Gina Palmer


February 18, 2014
Tuesday PM

After reading the letter from Kaisa Polanska, I thought I would write and enlighten her as to why KTB has not responded to her "right to know' why the artistic director was let go.

I was a member of the KTB board for several years and unless or until you become a board member of any organization you will never fully understand why things are done the way they are. I am certain handling the situation about the artistic director was done as respectfully and privately as possible to spare the AD any public embarrassment or judgement from others.

Just as when anyone in any job gets let go, the whole company is not told of the sordid details as to why they were fired. It is nobody else's business unless the person being fired wishes to make it public. It is not the responsibility of the company or organization to "Tell All" and spread gossip about why someone is fired. There is so much information that a board takes into consideration before making a decision. A final decision is not taken lightly.

Just remember you only know a very small portion of information and it is unfair to judge the KTB board because of your lack of all details. If you really want to have the right to know about the behind the scenes goings on of KTB or any other organization please feel free to volunteer a few days and nights every month and join as a board member. Then and only then will you truly have the right to know what is going on.

A great big THANK YOU to KTB board members and all other locals on boards sacrificing their time and energy to help make all our fantasic organizations run smoothly with out burdening the public with stressful details.

Gina Palmer
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "35 year Ketchikan resident, former KTB board member, Daycare provider 35 years, 3 children participated over 14 years in KTB"

Received February 13, 2014 - Published February 18, 2014

Related Viewpoint:

letter Explanation please! By Kasia Polanska

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Ketchikan, Alaska