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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Legalizing Cannabis

By Alan R.(Rudy) McGillvray


February 18, 2014
Tuesday PM

To all my fellow Alaskans, cannabis consumers or not, yes, horrors of horrors, Rudy smokes and otherwise consumes cannabis? Yes I do, and as such, I have no problem with it other than staying flush with enough cash to maintain my level of consumption, which amounts to 4 grams a month (maybe 8 grams) and it lasts about 3 days. But, that is NOT why I decided to write this.

Mostly, it is to educate some folks out there, whose grandmothers or great grandmothers used cannabis to spice dinner, once in a great while. Or used tinctures of cannabis or even hemp to help in the cure of common ailments. Speaking of hemp, a close relative of cannabis, with no properties of making one 'altered' mindwise, did you know that hemp fiber nets, and tie up lines and general boat cordage, was the only fiber that could resist the depredations of salt water on hemp? Aha you say, we've a whole bunch of artificial fibers these days that surpass hemp for those purpose. Yes and I might agree except that it was corporate greed for money that, made those 'new' fibers, (OH, and have you noticed that there is an improvement on those fibers every year?) (And ask any fisherman if the price per ft. has gone down or up. Yes folks merely corporate greed has caused hemp to fall from use as boat cordage, as cloth for clothing, as cloth for sails on that type of vessel.

Did you know that the Dutch word for cannabis, was CANVAAS, since shortened to canvas. And also a Mideastern word paralled the Dutch word and pre-dated it. But as I said earlier, corporate greed, and one other word caused cannabis to become illegal, and that word is PROPAGANDA: at the time that William R. Hearst started his propaganda campaign against cannabis, about 8 to 12% of the population used cannabis as a way to relax, or just to get along. When Nixon, (a great admirer of WR Hearst) delcared the "War on Drugs" that percentage was perhaps 20% of the population, but, when those who used cannabis started to tell others of the outright lies promulgated by those who would control us, the percentage of cannabis users has jumped to over 50% of the population.

You see, WR Hearst figured out that when he made paper, he could do it cheaper than with hemp, out of wood. Never mind that when he made paper from wood, he caused a lot of what today we are calling "global warming" and land destruction, alteration of local climates, etc. ad infinitum. And it all came through his use of propaganda that told us "Weed is Evil" he is personally responsible (I feel) for inventing two words that help to spread that feeling of evilness. One is related to the Spanish language (because Spanish is spoken in Mexico) and it is called "Marijuana" the other word is Pot (in the English language, because if you consumed cannabis, you went to 'pot'.) As in a kettle, trapped forever, in a cycle of use and abuse.

I say (and many others also) call Bu**S**t on the use of Propaganda and lies to make cannabis illegal. Are you folks out there aware that the Egyptans used cannabis in their medical practices to cure and alleviate symptons of disease. Do you have any idea of the number of cancer-causing substances out there that could be called 'dead' if we went back to cannabis use, instead of trying to eradicate it?

The use of cannabis by such a large portion of the population these days is directly related to the lies we were told in order to get us to NOT use cannabis, e.g. 'gateway drug,' If you want a 'gateway to hard drugs, try CIGARETTES, because tobacco is also a mind altering substance, not in the same way as cannabis, but a mind altering substance that will make you see things in a different way, thereby opening up an individual to other mind altering substances. Did you know that there are hard drug abusers out there that have never used cannabis? Yes folks, there are, they went straight from cigarettes to heroin, or cocaine. So please don't try to tell me that cannabis is a "gateway drug".

Alan R.(Rudy) McGillvray
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: "A long time Alaskan and cannabis consumer."

Received February 16, 2014 - Published February 18, 2014

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