SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


More pressing issues
By Kris Williams


February 27, 2010
Saturday AM

Mr. Hanger is very quick and obviously a very educated man, and with that being said what he lacks is some common sense. In a town the size of Ketchikan a public bashing of another business or another resident is just uncouth. Voicing your opinion about a personal experience with a product or service is one thing, and I've had issues with my phone line not working for the last six months and can't get a repair man; but bad mouthing other tax preparers, or for that matter another citizen, well that's just not classy. I've lived here my whole life and people here have more respect, and values than Mr. Hanger has shown on this discussion forum.

I only write this because my mother owns one of the "loan shark" tax businesses you continue to put down. While you consider her a loan shark she doesn't require anyone to take the "instant" refund, She can submit a tax return the same way you can without any finance charges or "loans". The difference is she will do it with a smile, and the fees she charges stay in the community and don't leave town when the season is over. My mother employs up to 10 people all of whom are local year-round residents.

I usually just read these letters to stay informed on what is happening in the community, but Mr. Hanger's letters continue to bother me. Mr. Hanger is unprofessional and quite frankly rude. I haven't taken the time to write this in hopes of starting some sort of battle of wits because I'm sure Mr. Hanger is a more educated man than I. However, I know that I am more respectful, more polite, and more honest than he could ever hope to be.

I only hope that maybe now we can get past Mr. Hanger's childish banter and get back to reading about more pressing issues. Thank you for your time, and I am sorry for the lengthy response.

Kris Williams
Ketchikan, AK

Received February 26, 2009 - Published February 27, 2010


Related Viewpoint:

letterThe real issue By David G. Hanger

Viewpoints - Opinion Letters:

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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska