SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Wake up parents!
By Spring McCurry


February 19, 2010
Friday AM

I don't understand what I have been seeing this winter or any winter for that matter. On my way into work I see high school students walking to school with NO jacket! I see middle and elementary aged students waiting at the bus stop or walking to school with NO jacket! It's raining and windy out, but these kids don't have a jacket on. Why is that? As I drive through town I notice the kids that are walking with their parents, parents have a jacket on, but not the kids.

Today I noticed six adults in the front yard all of which had a jacket or hoodie on, and here was a mother with a hoodie on that had her toddler on her shoulders with only a diaper on! What is wrong with this picture???

Wake up parents! If you need a jacket, then so do your children! If your child needs a jacket it is your duty as their parent to give them yours! They are YOUR responsibility. You only get one shot to raise them and be with them, you only get one chance to show them that they are worth more to you than your own comfort.

If you don't have the money for clothes or jackets then ask, this community is wonderful for stepping up to the plate and helping out a neighbor in need.

It just kills me to see these young mother's out there with a baby on their hip with hardly any clothes on them but the mother is all dressed nice and warm. This is neglect, period.

Before you take them outside dress the according to the weather you do it for yourself, now do it for your children.

Step up to the plate, parents you are sorely missing some basic skills here.


Spring McCurry
Ketchikan, AK

About: "I am a mother of 2 small children and it pains me to see children walking around with out a jacket."

Received February 18, 2009 - Published February 19, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska