SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Bell Island Hot Springs
By Kara Steele


February 19, 2010
Friday AM

I was just on Facebook, and one of our classmates has discovered a horrible end that no one expected at Bell Island. If anyone remembers this precious site, the hot springs pool and cabins were all the rave! Now, the pool has been left unattended for who knows how long, critters and moss have taken over the inside, the boardwalks to everything are falling down, the cabins are gone, and apparently the lodge has had a major cave in with the roof some years ago.

The Texans that bought it apparently bailed on it years ago. There is a huge outcry from people that used to remember it in its heyday and get it fixed up. Someone with the right smarts and know how can take collections up to clean it up, fix the lodge if it can be fixed, put more cabins up, and make it a fun place for all locals to go with reservations. Make it STRICTLY for locals maybe - our little getaway via boat! Sounds kinda fun doesn't it? I would go that's for sure!

Anyway, if you're interested in the remains of what was of Bell Island, go to Facebook, or do a search on it. I wondered why I couldn't find the lodge online -- it doesn't exist anymore! Hope someone gets rolling with this.

Good luck!


Kara Steele
Kenai AK

About: " Lived in Ketchikan from 69-97, attended Bell Island Hot Springs once or twice in my life."

Received February , 2009 - Published February 19, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska