SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Kayhi's National Art's Honor Society
By Frankie Urquhart


February 19, 2010
Friday AM

I want to acknowledge the wonderful students who are a part of Ketchikan High School's National Art's Honor Society. These students, led by Jeanette Sweetman, did an amazing job decorating the Schoenbar Valentine's Dance last Friday. This group of students worked for hours after school everyday and put in 20+ hours building pieces of art for the dance. They crafted a very impressive Eiffel Tour that became the center piece for our dance. They also built a heart shaped frame that students were able to stand in front of to take pictures with their friends, and a few other wonderful banners. These students did all of this on their own time, and the day of the dance actually came and set up for 4 hours before the dance.

I had the pleasure of meeting some of the members of this group while they were setting up and they are really an amazing group of students. Very talented, hard working, and polite. These students transformed our Schoenbar Commons area into "Valentine's Day in Paris." Many of them were gone by the time all of the Schoenbar students showed up, so they did not hear all of the "Oohs, and Aahs," that students expressed upon climbing the stairs to the Commons. So I wanted to write and publicly thank the National Art's Honor Society and let them know that all of their hard work was greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Frankie Urquhart
Student Council Advisor for Schoenbar
Ketchikan, AK


Received February 18, 2009 - Published February 19, 2010



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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska