SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Is this the time?
By Rich Elliott


February 23, 2009


Hopefully the fourteen individuals presently sitting on the Borough Assembly and the City Council either read the newspaper or watch the news on television. If they do, they probably can see that not only our nation s economy, but the entire global economy is in dire straits. Presently, it s in the toilet and possibly over the next couple of years, it could end up in the drain field.

When you consider tourism, one of our larger industries, depends upon people taking a vacation, you might conclude that our economic outlook is not real bright. Adding to this, we currently have a state budget set with the price of oil being at about twice its current level. This is very likely to limit this funding stream also.

We would all like to have a new library, pool, aquarium, fire stations, and arts theater. What we need to ask ourselves during these very uncertain times is whether we can afford these luxuries and is now the time for us to be bonding more debt.

It would seem to me if there was ever a time to rein in and see what happens, it s the next twelve to twenty-four months.

Rich Elliott
Ketchikan, AK


Received February 21, 2009 - Published February 23, 2009


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska