SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Roads & Bridges To Somewhere
By Jerilyn Lester


February 23, 2009

Mr. McGillvray & Mr. Glenn, I have never said that bridges and roads to the mainland would not be beneficial and I am not sure that anyone for the bridge to Gravina and the airport was. The fact is that the bridge to Gravina and the airport has been promised to us for 30 years and it always seems to find the biggest opposition from people out of the state and those on the mainland. The fact that in my 25 years here the option that you propose has not been more than another pipe dream because it is no more favored than the bridge to the airport.

I, quite honestly would like to see both, but the bridge to the airport or a better way to get to the airport would be first on my list. The road and bridges to the mainland would make the Alaska Ferry System an antique. What will you do with those people and their families? Is the road going to go from Juneau to the mainland and pass us by here in Petersburg, Wrangell and Ketchikan? That is what I have heard proposed.

It would be nice to have a highway to the mainland but since that isn't going to happen any more than the bridge to the airport. They are both pretty much moot points, aren't they?

My other point is that the Governor of this great state doesn't like, much less support, anything for Southeast. For heaven's sake, she has moved all but the legislature to Anchorage without so much as a 'by your leave' to the people of this state. What makes you or anyone for that matter think that she is going to support a road that would help out here when she has taken the bridge money from Ketchikan and doubled it to put a bridge across Knik Arm. I would support both options but think it is rather futile until we change who is in the Governor's office.

Jerilyn Lester
Ketchikan, AK


Received February 13, 2009 - Published February 23, 2009


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska