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Viewpoints: Letters / Opinions

Let me know when the war on drugs starts

By Ken Lewis


January 20, 2014
Monday PM

Drug Problem? Come on people, problems should be solved not managed. What came first the drug test, or the American who chose not to do dope? With all due respect to those who think drug testing little pockets of certain types of employees is the solution to the problem, you're wrong. If drug testing were a solution to our state/national drug problem, DMV would be used and make drug testing mandatory to operate a vehicle. Time out, not fair, what about my rights, can you hear them marching in solidarity. Them being the ones not tested, who think its funny to see a highly paid ball players go down the tubes for failed Pee-Pee samples, and then excuse the coolness of the other entertainers and artists that blatantly use enough dope to kill a horse.

Let me know when this war on drugs starts, because so far all I've seen is pure hypocrisy on this issue. If drug testing proves those tested are of clear thought? Why aren't Judges, Lawyers and elected officials tested? Because climbing up royalty's eureety tube is a sacred place. We do not test motorists because car sales will suffer. We test highly paid Jocks, because they broke our glasses in dodge ball, and we still harbor deep-seated resentment for them. Cops are doing what they can, while dancing on the eggshells political correctness laid out for them. You can't bust the Cartel and act like the Recess Lady when it comes to the Cartel's unique culture. I need a drink.

Ken Lewis
Ketchikan, Alaska

About: I come with pedigree papers, I aint no pound puppy""

Received January 17, 2014 - Published January 20, 2014

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Ketchikan, Alaska