SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


American Injustice for Marion Jones
By Mike Sawyer


January 14, 2008

Dear Editor,

I continue to be amazed at how our country differentiates between steroids and tobacco.

Last year three different federal agencies told me that they had no record of a death by steroids. However, 450,000 die premature and painful tobacco related deaths in the U.S. annually.

It's estimated that 6,000,000 plus (unless smoking declines) U.S. kids under the age 18 alive today will ultimately die from smoking.

Even President Bush preached about steroids in one of his State of the Union Addresses, but never sacred "tobacco."

An act of hypocrisy for Gold Medal winner Marion Jones to be placed in jail, while the CEO of a death trade tobacco business serves on the board of The United Way.

When will our toady political leaders return their bloody "gold medals" to the all-time cheater of life Big, Bully, and Brutal Tobacco?

I could never jail a person for steroid use, while tobacco is legal and on the loose.

With compassion,

Mike Sawyer
Birmingham, Alabama

About: Mike Sawyer is the Executive Director of I Will Never Use Tobacco, Inc

Related Information:

Deaths by tobacco:

Tobacco CEO on United Way Board:

Received January 11, 2008 - Published January 14, 2008


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Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska