SitNews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


The tides are changing
By Myrna Gardner


January 13, 2007
Saturday PM

In the January 11th ADN Voice of the Times, Tom Brennan writes that Nancy Pelosi's "hubris is enough to scare the shorts off any guy." On appearance the article would give the reader the impression that the writer suffers from an inferiority complex.

Today: fathers take a larger role in the daily raising of their children. Parents are partners in raising their children. Private industries feel more pressure to be sensitive to medical and family emergencies for both sexes.

The girls of my daughter's generation have grown up with little evidence that women cannot and do not hold any job open to their male equal. They are the first generation that assumes the secretary of state is a woman and that a woman can become governor of the largest state in the union.

Nancy Pelosi and Sarah Palin are someone's mother, wife, and daughter. In one generation we have moved from a population of women who were far less educated and represented in the work force than men to a work force that is half female and a college population that by 2010 will probably be 60 percent women.

Do we not want our daughters and nieces to step off that treadmill of custom? Our leaders should come from the "best of the best" not the path of entitlement or entrenchment.

Myrna Gardner
Anchorage, Alaska

Received January 13, 2007 - Published January 13, 2007




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Ketchikan, Alaska